One of the most striking new features is the entry of results via smartphone. From now on, players can enter the results of matches played via their smartphone and thus save themselves the trip to the tournament office. The match form will still be printed, of course, in case there are players who prefer the traditional variant.
Résultats par Smartphone
L’une des nouvelles fonctionnalités les plus remarquables est la saisie des résultats par smartphone. Les joueurs peuvent désormais saisir les résultats des matches joués via leur smartphone, ce qui leur évite de se rendre au bureau du tournoi. Le formulaire de match sera bien sûr toujours imprimé, au cas où certains joueurs préféreraient la version traditionnelle.
Entering results with your smartphone
One of the most striking new features is the entry of results via smartphone. From now on, players can enter the results of matches played via their smartphone and thus save themselves the trip to the tournament office. The match form will still be printed, of course, in case there are players who prefer the traditional variant.